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Your Trusted Advisor


As far back as university, when Tim was pursuing a Commerce degree, it was abundantly clear that he was more interested in the 'people' side of business than he was in ledgers and spreadsheets.


This led him to pursue a Masters degree in Human Development, which included skill building in what was then called 'development discussions' and is now simply known as 'Coaching.'


Later in his career, he built on his previous studies by completing a 2-year degree in the Neuroscience of Leadership.


In short, understanding how learning and development can actively contribute to performance excellence has been a life-long passion for Tim.


Tim's work, as both a facilitator and a coach, is informed by his neuroscience studies.  A rare 'Big T' truth is the fact that humans need to feel safe in order to perform at their best.  This is why smalltruths' solutions focus on building trust & safety while leveraging individual, team and organisational strengths to maximise performance.


Although Tim is an introvert, he's known for his fun, high-energy facilitation which is grounded in evidence-based practice.




smalltruths.  'What's with the weird name?'


I hear this question a lot.  The name is meant to convey that when it comes to people - one size rarely fits all.  Hoping that there is 'one way' to maximise human potential is a seductive, yet unrealistic, belief.  As a result, an adaptive approach is required.  And an adaptive approach requires listening and questioning to help discover what will work best in your context.

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